Saturday, 23 November 2013

Tomboy Cafe

Tomboy Cafe
356 Smith St, 
VIC 3066

It is ironic that I don't get out much now I am publishing Espresso Tales, isn't it? Yes, I think it is. But with my youngest in school next year that may change! Today we did a walking tour of the Johnston and Smith Streets vintage-ware stores. I picked up a cute globe and some scrabble lettering.  We stopped for an afternoon coffee at Tomboy which I have heard of but have not visited. Actually I haven't visited many cafes that have opened in the last year or so! Yes indeed, nest week at least one new place a week. That must be my mission. 
Anyway, coffee was perfect and the range of brownies on offer was most impressive. Yummo. Must get out more.
Here are a few shots of their interiors.

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