Tuesday, 27 January 2015

On This Day

On This Day, Cafe
16 St. Heliers St
Melbourne Vic 3067

This was a stunning and unexpected find today on route to Collingwood Children's Farm. This beautiful space is set up as a cafe 'on trial' and if it works out will remain. The brick and woodwork of this period building have been stripped back and left all bare and shabby-chic, creating both gorgeous textures and and an inviting warmth to the space. For now there is a great array of cakes on display, plus a good range of hot and cold drinks to enjoy on the peaceful verandah surrounded by gum trees. On This Day is on the left past the Convent and immediately before the entrance to Collingwood Children's Farm. Do drop in if in the area to ensure it's survival beyond the three month tester period!