Monday, 27 June 2011

the league of honest coffee

the league of honest coffee
8 exploration lane
melbourne 3000

What an altogether fantastic venue for city-bound coffee aficionados. Great coffee, great food, great service and beautiful design. Features include particle-board mosaics on two walls and commissioned art depicting the coffee plant in cherrie 

all images copyright

Sunday, 26 June 2011

roller door

roller door cafe
13 stawell st
west melbourne
melbourne 3003

This one had slipped me by completely - but thanks to the recently released 'The Age Good Cafe Guide' it has now been 'discovered'. I knocked these shots off on my iphone - which I never do - but it is a rough and ready kind of place so I might just have gotten away with it..!  This is a refreshingly laid-back non-corporate kind of place in an anonymous yet very central corner of Melbourne.

 all images copyright

Wednesday, 1 June 2011

chez dre

chez dre pâtisserie boulangerie 
285-287 coventry st
south melbourne 3205

What a surprise! Up an unassuming alley one wouldn't stumble upon this place, which is why I haven't been here, I guess, despite it's location. After a tip off I popped in on route to the markets camera in one hand three year old in the other... and was warmly received. What a space. So many interesting and unique elements - note the floor - cool.

all image copyright

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